How To Make Conscious Coincidences

“A coincidence is a small miracle in which God chooses to remain anonymous.” Understanding Synchronicity The field of all possibilities is consciousness, the universe is pure consciousness. Once you discover that your true nature is consciousness itself, you will know that your consciousness is pure potential. To tap the field of possibilities you will need… Continue Reading

My Wish For Our World

“I hope…that mankind will at length, as they call themselves reasonable creatures, have reason and sense enough to settle their differences without cutting throats; for in my opinion there never was a good war or a bad peace” – Benjamin Franklin The world keeps moving at lightning speed, we live in a world of extremes,… Continue Reading

How To Improve Your Likability To Make Quick Connections

“Good communication is as stimulating as black coffee, and just as hard to sleep after.” ~ Anne Morrow Lindbergh How To Become Likeable Quickly Try and remember the last time you really liked someone you met, what was it that attracted you to them? Some people just have that certain aura about them. That little… Continue Reading