Category Archives: Spiritual Growth and Meditation

How To Be Quiet and Stop Thinking

“When you’re with stillness, you merge with everything around you. You can’t pin-point where it’s coming from. From inside? From outside? Where? It just is.” – Sri Swami Sai Premananda Awakening The Mind: Meditation 101 In today’s fast paced modern world, it seems that many have come to find that the one thing that stands… Continue Reading

How To Increase Your Awareness and Expand Your Consciousness

“The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education.” Albert Einstein Awakening Consciousness When I take a look at our society as a whole and think about the stage of evolution that we are at, it amazes me how many problems still exist on earth. We have advanced tremendously in technology and commerce,… Continue Reading

How To Develop Your 6th Sense: Intuition

“The only real valuable thing is intuition.”- Albert Einstein Awakening Consciousness Reality on earth can be categorized into three aspects, the known, the unknown, and the unknowable. The known is what we have proven with science thus far. The unknown is what science has yet to discover. The unknowable is the mystery of our universe, that… Continue Reading

Become The Change You Believe In

“There is a giant asleep within every man, when the giant awakes, miracles happen” – Frederick Faust Ultimately what matters is what you think about yourself, how you think about yourself, and how you see yourself. Most of our limitations are psychological in nature, therefore much of our conflict comes from the limits we have… Continue Reading