One Day At a Time To a Life of Fulfillment Joy and Contribution

“How we spend our days is of course, how we spend our lives” Annie Dillard

It’s Time To Examine Your Priorities In Life

When you take a good look at your life, are you happy where you are at? Are you achieving all the things you set out to accomplish? If I were to follow you for a whole week could I tell which direction in life you are headed? All we have is the present moment, so reaching your goals is going to be determined by the actions you take daily.

The secret to your success is going to be determined by your daily agenda. If you learn to make a few key decisions in your daily agenda, you will accomplish what you set out to do. Just remember that you will never change your life until you change something you do daily.

Whatever you choose to do today is preparation for your future. The question then is what type of future are you preparing for? What decisions are you making that are setting you up for success or failure?

Reaching Your Goals: Two Things You Need to Focus On Daily

1. Your Decisions: You need to set goals by your decisions.
2. Discipline: You accomplish your goals by being disciplined with the decisions you have made until you get your desired result.

So what type of decisions will you be making to have the life you have always wanted? Below is a list of things you should consider when making the decisions that will shape your life.

1. Attitude: Learn to become responsible for every facet of your being including your attitude. Think about the daily attitudes that you predominately display. Decide today to change your bad attitude. Think about how you would need to think, act, and talk to become the person you would like to be. Develop a high appreciation for life, with the right attitude you can find beauty anywhere.
• Remember that your attitude needs to be constantly evaluated and adjusted.
• Learn to say something positive in any interaction you have with others.
• Go from saying I can’t to I will, with the right attitude situations you may see as impossible can be overcome with the right type of thinking.
• By constantly shaping your attitude to being more positive until it’s your common way of living, you will see that things become conducive to your vision.

2. Priorities: When you think of your ideal life, what are the things you need to focus your time and energy on the most to get the highest return and accomplish your dreams?
• What is required of you? What tasks can you outsource to make the most of your time without wasting it on the things you can delegate to others?
• What gives you the greatest return?
• What gives you the greatest reward?
• Learn to identify your strengths and weaknesses, and focus on your strengths, and find others to help you with your weaknesses.

Tips to stay on top of your priorities

• Evaluate your priorities Daily
• Plan your time carefully; use a daily planner to stay organized. How To Make The Most of Your Daily Time
• Follow Your Plan: You will not reap the rewards if you don’t stick to your plan.
• Invest and train in the right people and outsource whenever possible.

3. Health: Without your health, you will not be able to take action, good health is a must if you are ever going to enjoy and accomplish much in your life.

• Learn to eat right based on a diet that works for you. Top 10 Super Brain Food
• Exercise: Incorporate a daily exercise routine that you enjoy and keeps you in good physical shape.
• Handle Stress: learn to manage your stress, identify any issue you may be having and address it. Incorporate meditation into your daily life, meditation is a great way of developing a calm and tranquil mind.

4. Family and Relationships: We are social beings; learn to make our relationships an important and meaningful part of our lives.
• Constantly find ways of spending meaningful time together.
• Communicate clearly and effectively
How To Improve Your Likability to Make Quick Connections
• No one can accomplish much on their own, express appreciation for all the people who contribute and add value to your life.
• Invest time in understanding others and placing a high value on the people you spend time with.
• Give encouragement, confidence, and sincere compliments, listen to them, hope, and help them succeed.

5. Finances: If you are not happy where you are financially, get out there and do something about it. There are plenty of resources on how to start a business, invest, how money works, improve your career, find a new career, get a new job, and add new streams of extra income.

6. Commitment: If you are truly going to be disciplined and stick to your commitments you need to make sure you identify things that are going to be worth doing. If something is really not worth doing you will not be committed and give up as soon as you have encountered any obstacles.
• Determine that you will put in the proper amount of energy and stay committed to reaching your goal.
• Commit to your own personal excellence.
• Your talent alone won’t get your there, you need to develop your strengths and continue to put in an earnest effort.
• Focus on the choices you need to make not the current conditions you may be experiencing.
• Do what you know you need to do even when you don’t feel like it.
• When you become truly committed to your vision you no longer accept excuses and only care about the results.

7. Thinking (Mind Sets): Learn to recognize that there are many kinds of thinking that will each produce and cause you to experience life differently. When confronted with a situation become aware of what type of thinking is needed.
• Types of thinking: Unselfish thinking, reflective thinking, strategic thinking, realistic thinking, possibility thinking, creative thinking, focused thinking, short-term thinking, long-term thinking, detail-oriented thinking, and big-picture thinking.

8. Faith and Values: Faith can only be grown through direct personal experiences. To have faith you will need to develop trust in yourself. To reach your dreams you will need to go into the unknown, the only way to go into the unknown is with courage; courage belongs to your heart. Trust is personal and beliefs are social, that’s why your beliefs can change very easily they are not really yours but society’s. To trust and really know something you will need to have the experience of it. Learn to embrace and value faith; take the leap into exploring and deepening your faith.

9. Generosity: The more you give the more you get. Learn to give your time, money, and ideas freely to worthwhile causes. Find a reason to give every day even if you consider it minor. Your idea or time to others can be of great value even if from your perspective you see it as insignificant.

10. Growth: Just understand that you and your life are a dynamic process. Strive to constantly grow and learn something new every day.

Tips for Growth:
• Set Growth Goals: Read 4 books a month.
• Learn to enjoy your journey; the growth is in the journey, not the destination.
• Put yourself in an environment conducive to your growth.
• Apply and put into action what you learn. Document your findings.

Just want to thank you for reading my article, I hope it assists you in reaching your goals. Use the above list to come up with the right decisions you need to make and then work daily on staying committed and disciplined with those decisions.

If you get clear on what you want and who you want to be and make a wholehearted effort, I am sure you will surprise yourself with the inner potential you will be unleashing. Good luck my friends, wish you the best on your journey.

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2 Responses to One Day At a Time To a Life of Fulfillment Joy and Contribution

  1. Life is out there, waiting to be lived… we are meant to live it or die trying. It is pointless to just stay stuck on the ground. Thanks Ivan, for putting things clear as they are, in a way that everyone can understand the words because everyone ‘knows’ (feels) what must be done but sometimes we, as ‘logical beings’, need the exact tips to see the whole light that was blinding us.

    Keep walking the path my friend, keep sharing your ‘documented findings’ with us for I appreciate them a lot. Be well each day at a time and you’ll be fine 😉

    Pedro Mota’s last blog post..: The Reflecting Pool – Bill Viola

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